#204 My Yearly Life Reset Process

Normalizing Millions
Episode #204: My Yearly Life Reset Process
In this week's episode:

My Yearly Life Reset Process


Every April since 2019, I’ve felt a pull for a life reset. Basically: healing, doing, organizing, shifting allllllllllll the things you’ve been putting off for 3, 6, 12 months.

Every single time this process creates such an identity shift and soooo much more spaciousness in my mind and life.

The past weeks have thrown us some major curve balls.

Zero childcare for a few weeks. Hiring a new nanny which has been so much more of an emotional experience than I could have ever predicted.

Allllllllll the things going on (you know when EVERYTHING needs to get done all at once?)

And people want to know how I do it all. The business, the farm, the mom-ing.

The truth … I don't.

My to do list is never done.

Tune in this week to hear the million dollar lessons I’m learning in this season. While seeing what wisdom is available to me through these experiences, soaking up the extra time with my babies (who BTW are growing SO fast) and seeing how productive I can be in pockets of time. I hope this episode inspires you. 

Learn more about Sold Out: The Mastermind

Let's do this! ➔



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