The mastermind for women who are ready to love every piece for their business, become the go-to coach for their dream clients and celebrate $20-30k cash months every month

Imagine 12 months from now... 

✅ You have an offer suite that you're obsessed with - you can finally hit those dreamt of $20k+ cash months without a million clients and you LOVE delivering every part of every offer 

✅ Launching and selling is one of the easiest things you do every day and you wonder why it ever felt so exhausting in the first place... 

✅ You love seeing Voxer notifications and client calls on your calendar because your client's feel like best friends and you absolutely love working with them 

✅ Your messaging has never been more YOU and you've never felt like more of a badass, you're getting NOTICED and you see that reflected in your engagement, audience growth and the DMs you're getting from new clients 

✅ For once something unexpected happening doesn't throw your whole month/launch off - you can hit your money goals while juggling a very full life (and your body isn't paying the costs) 

✅ You feel so in your own lane - you can't even fathom stalking another high-earning coach to see how she's doing things - you know how you do things and it WORKS

✅ Sure, you still have some spikes in your monthly revenue (but now to the tune of $30-50k cash)... and that money goes straight to paying off debt, savings, investments, splurges... life is pretty dang good financially 


Ashley Enget said:

"I've just been looking at my income spreadsheet and things have really changed. I was getting $1,500 payments for my 1:1 coaching with no pay-in-fulls in sight. Now I'm receiving $1,300 payments for my group program and $10,000 pay in full for my 1:1 clients. I was booking 5 figure months but I was tired and exhausted (like when I had 7 coaching calls in one day! #burnout) After working with Taylor I had my first $20k month and it was easier than any $10k month I had before. I finally have a repeatable system that makes sales feel easy!"

Cristina Aroche, mastermind client, said:

"Joining the mastermind has been one of the best investment choices I've made for myself and my business. I'm only 3 months in and I've already had record-breaking months!! $22k and $26k cash months when my previous record had been $15k (once). The way Taylor helps you uplevel your energy is incredible. Trust your gut if you feel the pull to join this mastermind! I absolutely recommend to anyone who is ready to reach their next levels and beyond."

Emyrald Sinclaire, love coach in my mastermind, said:

"Taylor, I just signed my first $10k client! Ahhh! And it was EASY! And she is PERFECT. She is my ideal client. SO PUMPED!" 

This is all possible for you now with the work we do in Sought After®: The Mastermind.

Here's what you'll get when you join the mastermind: 

😍 A small group of women who are on the same journey, having valuable conversations about creating all of the above 

😍 Two group Zoom calls per month with hot seat style coaching for every woman who needs it 

😍 Daily M-F access to Taylor in our Facebook community for anything that comes up during the week you need feedback or support with 

😍 My eyes on your content and marketing (YES, I will look at and give ideas and changes to your sales pages, social content, emails, etc) 

😍 1 year access to The Unwavering Woman: 2 more Zoom calls per month focused on alignment, mindset, and energetics PLUS a week-long telegram broadcast every month 

$8,000 value 

😍 1 year access to Transparent Sales: weekly drops (prompts, templates, guides, trainings) on how I create simple content that leads to tons of sales 

$1,100 value


Dustin Mushinksi, Mastermind client said:

"I went from $6k months to 25k months because of the mentorship in Taylor's mastermind. I have loved every second of it."

Shaheen Plunier, Mastermind client said:

"I can't thank Taylor enough for providing such an inspiring mastermind, a safe place to celebrate wins and to hold space to be vulnerable and supported... and most importantly seen! The personal touches are 5 stars! 

I love the access to all of the courses that Taylor provides! It's such a good deal, seriously! I might have to stay on another round!"

Katie Joynes, mastermind client said:

"Taylor is a no bullshit coach. She will ask you your goal and hold you to it. Within 2 months I had my first $30k month and now $75k month all while raising 5 kids. I see a lot of coaches boast about how good they are then you sign up and feel like you're not important... that's NOT her."

This mastermind is for the woman who: 


✅ Has a coaching model style business (you sell calls with you, trainings, courses, memberships, etc) that is nearing or at 6 figures per year 

✅ You find yourself wondering how that next level ($20k+ cash months) is even possible because you often feel capped and burnt out with client work and launching as it is 

 ✅ Despite wondering "how" you know now is your time to claim your spot as a multi 6 figure earner in this industry 

 ✅ You're not doing this for ego and you're not interested in putting pressure on short-term results. You're already in a good place but you dream of having the kind of money you can actually do big things with - invest in property, take your loved ones on dream trips around the world, create a life your little ones will benefit from for the rest of their lives, give back to things you care about, have the spaciousness to do good things in your community and have so much time with your family 

 ✅ You've built a solid reputation that you're good at what you do and you care about your clients and you're done working with clients that aren't dreamy to work with - you're ready to take your message up a notch, work with a higher level woman and fully enjoy every bit of your client work 

 ✅ Your business works but it's capping you - some days you feel drained and some you feel uninspired or even bored - you're ready to LOVE the way you sell, create content and run your offers 

 ✅ You feel a little confused on what actually needs to change to pick up momentum. You know your content is good, your offers are clear and you know how to sell... but something's got to shift to finally get SEEN + noticed by your dreamiest clients 

✅ You deeply desire a mentor who can go there with you - doesn't just cheerlead you but supports you in shifting what's coming up, gives you a clear action plan and will actually LOOK at your offers, business and content 

Gianna Rackham, relationship coach, said:

"Making that investment in myself empowered me to raise my rates and expect to be paid in full. Within a few weeks of coaching, I had my first pay-in-full private client for $15k.

I upleveled like crazy and filled my private coaching with 3 beyond dreamy clients for $23k each. On top of that, two of them paid me in full. I had a nearly $60k cash month."

Eva Kalvig, mastermind client, said:

"I'm having my first $110k month. It's only November 9th! You and this mastermind have changed my life in 2 months. THANK YOU!!!"

The investment:

 The mastermind is $1,800 per month or $18,000 per year. 

Due to the limited spots and the hands-on level of support, the mastermind is application only.

Apply Here