Next Level New Year 2024

Let's cut straight to the chase and get crystal clear on HOW you're hitting your record breaking year. 

I am taking you through my EXACT process that has allowed me to have multiple 6 and 7 figure years the past SEVEN years consecutively. 😮‍💨

WHILE completely changing my entire life: getting married, traveling, having THREE babies, buying a million dollar home and retiring my husband for ultimate freedom for our family.

We're covering it allllllllll via 4 live trainings, 2 live Q&As and access to a Facebook community. 

Here's just a BIT of what I'll be showing you: 

✅ How I actually "get behind" and "just decide" my financial goal for the year in a way that has me uber connected to my vision, in a super healthy place with my finances AND fully free from ego and proving my worth via my results 

(I swear this was the GAME CHANGER to my first million dollar year and being able to purchase our dream home) 

✅ My signature offer suite planning method that I use with clients in my highest ticket masterminds and private coaching to make multi 6 figure and 7 figure years feel SO doable and clear on HOW to make it happen 

✅  The identity work - stop feeling "so confused" about why things haven't sold how you want them too and finally have the roadmap to making your goals a reality 

Yes, this part is energetic work but NOT fluffy. You will leave more clear on WHAT to do in your life and biz on a day to day basis than any other module here. This took me to my first $20k month and then to my first $100k month. 

✅ The HOW - Your content strategy, sales strategy, daily priority tasks and weekly non negotiables for a next level year all handed over to you 

Yep, I'll be sharing my exact daily tasks, routines and strategies that have created $100k+ cash months 

We start January 2nd. 

Price goes up to $555 on January 1st. 


$555.00 USD

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