Four years ago my life looked unrecognizable to the way it does today.
I was newly pregnant with my first baby and having my lowest year in 3 years.
Since? I've made over $3.5 million dollars in under 4 years.
I went from putting "millionaire mom" on my vision board to actually being one. And it feeling NORMAL.
I live in my dream million dollar home, everyday feels like we're on vacation, my family gets to be home together everyday and money is never an object.
I dreamt of this my whole life... and now I want to help you create it too.
Picking up the pace in my business and bringing in millions wasn't just putting it on my vision board.
When you join you'll get *instant access* to nearly 4 hours of content where I break down *EXACTLY* what I did, including:
- The 10% to 4x If you're already *busy* but you want to be making more, making is all about doing less - but doing the right things that actually bring in the money. I walk you through exactly how I pinpointed what these tasks were and share what tasks I prioritized and what I got rid of.
My Everyday Embodiment strategies that allowed me to feel like my million dollar self even when my life looked more boring than ever
My One Minute Shift method I created after finding an old journal where I realized I had been writing "I make $50k months every month" for two YEARS without ever hitting the goal... and starting actually creating my millionaire belief system (that led to $50k months consistently immediately)
My Million Dollar Offer Mix the tangible pieces I shifted in my offer suite to make $100k months not so crazy after all (& started hitting them months later because it was way easier than I thought)
- Head Turner Content that allows you to build momentum and more people in your offers whenever you want because you know how to create content that gets people noticing you (no ads needed 😉)